Contributing to DefinitelyTyped for the first time

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Spencer Miskoviak

September 28, 2019

Photo by Aaron Burden

Some packages in the JavaScript ecosystem, such as apollo-client are written in TypeScript. This means that the source can be used to automatically generate and output type definitions that are included as part of the package. Some other packages, such as reselect, define their own type definitions even though they are not written in TypeScript.

However, there are also many packages that are not written in TypeScript or do not ship with type definitions, such as react. It's not a reasonable expectation for all packages to define type definitions. It adds a lot of overhead for maintainers; there are the TypeScript-specific issues to triage, the effort to effectively translate the entire public API to type definitions, and the overhead of learning the intricacies of all the TypeScript language features. So how do the type definitions for these packages get defined?

Luckily, TypeScript has a great community around providing type definitions for packages that do not ship with typings. All of these definitions live in the DefinitelyTyped repository on GitHub and are published to npm under the @types scope (eg: @types/react) to install alongside the corresponding packages. All of these definitions are created and maintained by the community. It relies on TypeScript users of the various packages to create and maintain the type definitions.

How can I contribute?

The first step is to find a package, either an existing package with incorrect typings or a package with no typings defined. This post is going to focus on a package with missing definitions (because updating existing definitions is a few less steps since the necessary files exist).

How to find a package without type definitions?

The best way is to stumble across a package when working with it. It's commonly new or less popular packages that do not have corresponding type definitions. When adding a new package without type definitions, the following TypeScript error is thrown.

Could not find a declaration file for module '[package]'. [package] implicitly has an 'any' type.
  Try `npm install @types/[package]` if it exists or add a new declaration (.d.ts) file containing `declare module '[package]';`

It prompts to install the corresponding @types package. So you try npm install @types/[package] but get another error.

> npm install @types/[package]
npm ERR! code E404
npm ERR! 404 Not Found - GET[package] - Not found

When seeing this error, it's an opportunity to contribute type definitions!

TypeSearch is also a great resource for searching through typings provided by DefinitelyTyped.

Getting started

To get started, head to the DefinitelyType repository and create a fork.

Clone the fork locally and setup the project.

git clone
cd DefinitelyTyped
npm install

Generating the scaffolding

Recently, I was working with loadable-components and specifically the @loadable/webpack-plugin package.

At the time of writing, it did not have typings so the remainder of this post will use this package as a specific example. To get started, the dts-gen tool can be used to generate the scaffolding for the type definitions.

npx dts-gen --dt --name loadable__webpack-plugin --template module

Since this is a scoped package, it has a naming exception as outlined in the README. The types package will be named loadable__webpack-plugin since @types itself is a scoped package.

This will output the following four files:

  1. types/loadable__webpack-plugin/index.d.ts

This is where the type definitions will be defined.

// Type definitions for @loadable/webpack-plugin 5.7
// Project:
// Definitions by: Spencer Miskoviak <>
// Definitions:
  1. types/loadable__webpack-plugin/loadable__webpack-plugin-tests.ts

This is where the type definitions will be tested. It won't run the code but type-checks it to verify the defined definitions work as expected with real use cases.

(empty file)

  1. types/loadable__webpack-plugin/tsconfig.json

The TypeScript configuration for these type definitions. Usually, the default configuration produced by dts-gen rarely needs to be changed.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "module": "commonjs",
    "lib": ["es6"],
    "noImplicitAny": true,
    "noImplicitThis": true,
    "strictFunctionTypes": true,
    "strictNullChecks": true,
    "baseUrl": "../",
    "typeRoots": ["../"],
    "types": [],
    "noEmit": true,
    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true
  "files": ["index.d.ts", "loadable__webpack-plugin-tests.ts"]
  1. types/loadable__webpack-plugin/tslint.json

Similar to above, the TSLint configuration output by dts-gen used to lint the type definitions rarely needs to be changed.

{ "extends": "dtslint/dt.json" }

Defining the type definitions

This is all the setup needed to get started. Now to start filling it in. Generally, the tsconfig.json and tslint.json shouldn't be modified (unless there's some exception). The main focus is on index.d.ts and the associated test file.

However, as mentioned earlier, since this example is a scoped package it is an example of one of these exceptions. It requires modifying the tsconfig.json to properly test this package since the naming doesn't match the actual package name exactly.

  "compilerOptions": {
    // other config options...
    "paths": {
      "@loadable/webpack-plugin": ["loadable__webpack-plugin"]

Since the package and public API already exists, it's usually easiest to copy examples from the documentation into the test file and use a test driven (type driven?) approach to create the types. For example, copying examples from the documentation and then verifying by looking directly at the source is usually a good approach to building up test cases.

import LoadablePlugin from "@loadable/webpack-plugin";
import { Configuration } from "webpack";

let config: Configuration = {
  plugins: [new LoadablePlugin()],

config = {
  plugins: [
    new LoadablePlugin({
      filename: "stats.json",
      writeToDisk: true,
      outputAsset: false,

config = {
  plugins: [new LoadablePlugin({ writeToDisk: { filename: "stats.json" } })],

With this specific example, since it's expected to be used as a webpack plugin it can be a good idea to not only test this package's API but to also test it in the proper context as a webpack plugin. Without this, it could be easy to forget the extends webpack.Plugin which is important since the plugins property is typed as Plugin[] and would throw a type error if it doesn't implement the proper interface.

Now that there are some basic test cases, time to fill in the actual type definitions! The following is what the types could look like for this package based on the documentation and reading the source.

// Type definitions for @loadable/webpack-plugin 5.7
// Project:
// Definitions by: Spencer Miskoviak <>
// Definitions:

import * as webpack from "webpack";

interface PluginOptions {
   * The stats filename.
   * @default loadable-stats.json
  filename?: string;

   * Always write stats file to disk.
   * @default false
  writeToDisk?: boolean | { filename: string };

   * @default true
  outputAsset?: boolean;

declare class LoadablePlugin extends webpack.Plugin {
  constructor(options?: PluginOptions);

export default LoadablePlugin;

Opening a pull request

The tests and types look good, let's verify there are no linting issues.

npm run lint loadable__webpack-plugin

Additionally, verify there are no test issues.

npm run test

If either of these fail, those issues will need to be fixed.

Finally, if it all looks good, create a new branch, commit the changes and push to your fork. Open a pull request to the DefinitelyTyped repository and verify all the checks pass.

git checkout -b add-loadable-webpack-plugin-types
git add .
git commit -m &quot;Add types for the @loadable/webpack-plugin package&quot;

For this example, here is the resulting pull request for reference!

You may notice the first commit actually failed with the error: loadable__webpack-plugin depends on webpack but has a lower required TypeScript version. This is because the definitions depend on webpack to extend the Plugin type. It defines it's minimum TypeScript version as 2.3 with a comment.

This can be fixed by adding the same minimum TypeScript version to the definitions for this package.

// ... (truncated)
// Definitions:
// TypeScript Version: 2.3

import * as webpack from "webpack";
// ... (truncated)


The TypeScript ecosystem depends on the community to create and maintain type definitions. The next time you run into missing or incorrect types hopefully you're now ready to open a pull request to add new types or a fix for an existing package!

This didn't touch on every possible scenario or issue so refer to the README for more details if you have questions or let me know on Twitter.



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