Typescript Explained In Javascript: Conditional Types

4th post in "TypeScript explained in JavaScript" series

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Spencer Miskoviak

August 1, 2020

Photo by John Barkiple

Throughout the course of writing software, it's likely you'll eventually have a need to conditionally return different values from a function depending on it's input. Or, maybe a second parameter that depends on the value of the first parameter.

This concept is easy to handle with JavaScript at runtime, but is not as trivial to strictly type at compile time.


Let's start with a JavaScript function that accepts an array and allows filtering, or omitting any values of a specific type.

const omitByType = (array, type) => {
  return array.filter(value => typeof value !== type);

console.log(omitByType(["a", 10, "b", false, "c"], "boolean"));
// ["a", 10, "b", "c"]
console.log(omitByType(["a", 10, "b", false, "c"], "number"));
// ["a", "b", false, "c"]
console.log(omitByType(["a", 10, "b", false, "c"], "string"));
// [10, false]
console.log(omitByType(["a", 10, "b", false, "c"], "object"));
// ["a", 10, "b", false, "c"]

Each invocation uses the same input, but changes the second argument. In each case, values of that type are filtered out.

  • The first case no longer contains false because it's a boolean.
  • The second no longer contains 10 because it's a number.
  • The third case no longer contains "a", "b", or "c" since they're all a string.
  • The last case returns the same values since none of them are an object.

Should this last example be allowed? In this case it's an unnecessary operation. This isn't straightforward to fix at runtime, but could this be solved instead at compile time with strict typings? How would this constraint be reflected in the type system?


This is a simple function, but requires fairly complex typings so let's start with more basic typings and build from there.

const omitByType = (array: any[], type: string): any[] => {
  return array.filter(value => typeof value !== type);

These typings are an incremental improvement since they at least require the first parameter to be an array and the second parameter to be a string. This eliminates entirely invalid parameters, but is not strict enough to catch a type that is not contained within the array.

// Now invalid...
omitByType("invalid", "object");
omitByType([], Object);

// Still valid...
omitByType([1], "object");

So how do we make this last example invalid? The challenge is that the type parameter is dependent (conditional) on the type of the array contents. This requires conditional types. To start, we know we need access to the type of the array parameter which can be achieved with a generic.

const omitByType = <InputArray extends any[], Type extends string>(
  array: InputArray,
  type: Type
): any[] => {
  return array.filter(value => typeof value !== type);

If you're not familiar with the extends keyword, I recommend first reading a previous post in this series that covers it in more depth.

This updated definition is equivalent to the original, but now the type InputArray can be referenced in other parts of the function deceleration. Type still allows any string, so let's constrain it based on the type of InputArray.

const omitByType = <InputArray extends any[], Type extends InputArray[number]>(
  array: InputArray,
  type: Type
): any[] => {
  return array.filter(value => typeof value !== type);

Now, the Type generic parameter must extend a type of the array contents. InputArray[number] returns a type (likely a union) that represents all of the values in the array. However, this isn't quite correct yet:

// Argument of type '"number"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.
omitByType([1], "number");

The problem is that Type is now inferred as the type number, not the string "number". How do we convert the type number to the string "number"? This is our first use for a conditional type. To start, let's only handle the number type.

type TypeToString<Type> = Type extends number ? "number" : "unknown";

type ExampleOne = TypeToString<number>; // "number"
type ExampleTwo = TypeToString<string>; // "unknown"

The TypeToString type is a conditional type. There are two main aspects to focus on:

  1. This is another use case for the extends keyword. It behaves in a similar way as it's other uses to constrain types. In this case, I like to think of it as a boolean condition, does Type extend number?
  2. It uses the same syntax as JavaScript's ternary operator. The condition Type extends number will either be true or false. If it's true, it will evaluate to "number", otherwise it will evaluate to "unknown".

This syntax is the basis for all conditional types. The mental model of an if statement in JavaScript can help reason through complex conditional types. This isn't a direct comparison, but this could be roughly compared to something like the following function in JavaScript.

const typeToString = type => {
  if (typeof type === "number") {
    return "number";
  } else {
    return "unknown";

Or, using the more comparable ternary operator syntax:

const typeToString = type => (typeof type === "number" ? "number" : "unknown");

Now that we have the basics of conditional types we can complete the typings. First, TypeToString only handles number but we want to handle more types.

type TypeToString<Type> = Type extends string
  ? "string"
  : Type extends number
  ? "number"
  : Type extends boolean
  ? "boolean"
  : Type extends undefined
  ? "undefined"
  : Type extends Function
  ? "function"
  : "object";

This is fairly verbose, but this would be the equivalent of nesting five if statements, or a large if...else if...else statement.

The function can now be updated to use this helper.

const omitByType = <
  InputArray extends any[],
  Type extends TypeToString<InputArray[number]>
  array: InputArray,
  type: Type
): any[] => {
  return array.filter(value => typeof value !== type);

This no longers allows a type that doesn't exist in the array!

// Argument of type '"object"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"number"'.
omitByType([1], "object");

To recap so far:

  • InputArray is a generic that represents the type of array. It also has a constraint that it must be an array enforced with extends any[].
  • Type is also a generic that represents the type of type. However, it has a more complex constraint. First, InputArray[number] will return a type that represents all of the array's values. If the array was [1] then the type would be number, if [1, "a", true] then the type would be number | string | boolean. However, we need these types as string literals so we pass this type to the TypeToString helper which uses conditional types to convert that value to "number" or "number" | "string" | "boolean", respectively.

So trying to pass "object" will not be allowed (unless the array contained something like [1, {}]).

The parameters are now strictly typed, but the return value is still any[]. Let's improve this. We could use InputArray which would be more strict, but it would still contain the type of values that get filtered. So how can the return value return the same contents excluding the values of the type removed?

First, we need a way to exclude a type from another type. For example, if given a union string | number how can number be excluded, or string? This again can be achieved with conditional types.

type Diff<Types, TypesToExclude> = Types extends TypesToExclude ? never : Types;
type Example1 = Diff<string | number | boolean, string>; // number | boolean
type Example2 = Diff<string | number | boolean, number | string>; // boolean
type Example3 = Diff<string | number | boolean, object | boolean>; // string | number

Fortunately, the type Diff doesn't need to be defined because TypeScript predefines several conditional types. One of those is Exclude which is identical to the Diff implementation above.

Now that we can exclude one type from another, the type of the array contents is the first type argument and the type being excluded is the second type argument. However, the Type generic is now a string (eg: "number") so it needs to be converted back to a type. For this, let's define yet another conditional type StringToType that is the inverse of TypeToString. With that, we have all the pieces we need for a complete example.

type TypeToString<Type> = Type extends string
  ? "string"
  : Type extends number
  ? "number"
  : Type extends boolean
  ? "boolean"
  : Type extends undefined
  ? "undefined"
  : Type extends Function
  ? "function"
  : "object";

type StringToType<Str> = Str extends "string"
  ? string
  : Str extends "number"
  ? number
  : Str extends "boolean"
  ? boolean
  : Str extends "undefined"
  ? undefined
  : Str extends "function"
  ? Function
  : object;

const omitByType = <
  InputArray extends any[],
  Type extends TypeToString<InputArray[number]>
  array: InputArray,
  type: Type
): Array<Exclude<InputArray[number], StringToType<Type>>> => {
  return array.filter(value => typeof value !== type);

To recap the return value:

  • First, we are getting the type of the array contents using InputArray[number] which will return a type, usually a union if the array contains mixed values (eg: string | number).
  • Then, we are converting the Type which is a string literal back to a type (eg: "string" -> string).
  • Then, these two arguments are passed to Exclude to remove the values of the type that is being filtered out. Finally, that type is then redefined as the contents of an Array.


Conditional types were introduced in TypeScript 2.8.

A conditional type selects one of two possible types based on a condition expressed as a type relationship test: T extends U ? X : Y. - TypeScript Documentation


Conditional types are often combined in complex ways which can make them overwhelming at first. When taking a step back, the syntax for conditional types is already a familiar concept in JavaScript and behaves in a very similar way.

This example covered one use case, but when combined with other concepts, such as mapped types it can unlock even more possibilities.



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