Techniques for effectively using Object Factories for Testing

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Spencer Miskoviak

May 18, 2019

Photo by Andrik Langfield

Almost a year ago, I started looking for a package to create object factories for testing that worked well with TypeScript. I wasn't able to find one that was close enough to what I had in mind for type-safety and an API. I went down the path of creating a new package that provided type-safety but still had an API that felt natural. The result was cooky-cutter, which was shared at that time.

After spending some time working with cooky-cutter and writing more tests using it, I began to notice a few patterns that I found helpful to write effective tests that rely on any object factory package.

(The following examples will be using cooky-cutter but the concepts can be applied to any object factories)

Fail loud when factory definitions do not match the data they mock

It's important to keep factory definitions in sync with the actual data they are representing. This keep tests running with realistic data and avoids false positives and false negatives. For example, let's say we have a user entity defined by this interface and we define a factory for it.

interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;
const user = define<User>({
  id: 1,
  name: "Cooky Cutter",

Later on, we decide to split the name into firstName and lastName so we update the actual data source and the interface to match:

interface User {
  id: number;
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;

And say somewhere in the frontend application there is logic that displays the user's name (<div>{}</div>) but in the midst of this complex data model change the factory was forgotten and the test's still pass because the user factory has a name property defined but at runtime it won't be displayed.

It's possible this would be caught when manually testing, during a code review or during some other process, but it would be nice if this would fail loudly. This was one of the bigger pains I sought to solve with cooky-cutter. Since it requires a type definition (User in this example) if the defined factory does not match the type it will error. This example would actually produce a TypeScript error with cooky-cutter: "Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'name' does not exist".

Other packages/frameworks/languages might have other options, but try to find an approach that works for you, maybe there are tests that could be included as part of the CI or linting steps to catch mismatches between the actual data model and what the factories produce.

Avoid "sharing" mocked data

One of the more challenging things I've had to debug is when the ordering of tests "matters". This usually points to a bug somewhere, either in the tests themselves, or worse, the application logic. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

Let's create another interface that defines a possible food recipe and a corresponding factory to create an example cookie recipe with a few of the necessary ingredients.

interface Recipe {
  name: string;
  ingredients: string[];
const recipe = define<Recipe>({
  name: "Cookies",
  ingredients: ["sugar", "eggs", "flour"],

Cool, now anytime we need a recipe object in a test case, we can invoke recipe to get an object that matches the Recipe interface. Let's write two simple test cases as an example:

test("allows adding butter", () => {
  const cookies = recipe();

test("allows adding chocolate chips", () => {
  const cookies = recipe();
  cookies.ingredients.push("chocolate chips");

The first test will pass, but the second will fail with an error something like "expected length 4 but received length 5". Huh? The factory creates a cookie recipe with ["sugar", "eggs", "flour"] and we add "chocolate chips". 3 + 1 = 5? ๐Ÿคจ

The problem is that the cookies recipe factory "hard-codes" the array for the ingredients and that array will be used for all instances of that factory. The first test adds "butter" so now the ingredients contains ["sugar", "eggs", "flour", "butter"]. The second test adds "chocolate chips" so now the ingredients contains ["sugar", "eggs", "flour", "butter", "chocolate chips"].

As of cooky-cutter@1.3.0 this will now warn (by default) saying "'ingredients' contains a hard-coded array". There is also a configuration option errorOnHardCodedValues to throw an error rather than only warn to avoid any of these cases slipping into tests.

There are a few options to resolve this issue. We could consider overriding the ingredients every time the factory is invoked with something like recipe({ ingredients: ["butter"] }) which will assign a new array each time. We could consider adding logic in beforeEach/afterEach to reset or restore this value. The more reliable solution would be to use an attribute function and redefine the attribute for ingredients.

const recipe = define<Recipe>({
  name: "Cookies",
  ingredients: () => ["sugar", "eggs", "flour"],

Now, every time the the factory is invoked a new array will be returned and the tests above will pass as expected. All of this also applies to hard-coded objects.

Randomize unique identifiers

A potential subtle bug was pointed out above. Another one that can be really tricky is logic that depends on an id property (or some other unique identifier).

Let's define two new interfaces and factories, a user and a post. A post "belongs to" a user and is associated via the userId property.

interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;

interface Post {
  id: number;
  userId: number;
  title: string;
const user = define<User>({
  id: sequence,
  name: (i: number) => `Cooky Cutter #${i}`,

const post = define<Post>({
  id: sequence,
  userId: sequence,
  title: "A Great Post",

Note: with cooky-cutter assigning an attribute to sequence will increment the value on each factory invocation starting at 1 (see the docs for more details).

Nice, now let's write a simple test case to find the user for the given post and assert it's the user we expected.

test("displays the user's name for the post", () => {
  const users = [user(), user(), user()];
  const firstPost = post();

  // Logic that would probably live in the actual application
  const firstPostUser = users.filter(user => ===[0];

  expect(`Cooky Cutter #1`);

It passes! ๐ŸŽ‰ Let's add another test above it.

test("displays the post title", () => {
  expect(post().title).toBe("A Great Post");

test("displays the user's name for the post", () => {
  const users = [user(), user(), user()];
  const firstPost = post();

  // Logic that would probably live in the actual application
  const firstPostUser = users.filter(user => ===[0];

  expect(`Cooky Cutter #1`);

Now the original test fails with something like "expected: 'Cooky Cutter #1' but received: 'Cooky Cutter #2'. ๐Ÿค”

So now it looks like the test is getting the second user in the array of users. But the original test wasn't changed, we only added a new test. Looking more closely at the filter call, we're filtering on the statement === when we should actually be filtering on === firstPost.userId. After adding another test the changed from 1 to 2 since the values are sequential for each invocation.

The test on it's own was a false positive (passing when it should fail) and the second time was a true negative (failing when it should fail). But to get it to fail when it should we had to add another test. Luckily, we did in this scenario but that doesn't always happen. How do we avoid subtle bugs like this?

One approach is to randomize unique identifiers. Fortunately, cooky-cutter also includes a random helper. Let's replace all of the occurrences of sequence with this helper.

const user = define<User>({
  id: random,
  name: (i: number) => `Cooky Cutter #${i}`,

const post = define<Post>({
  id: random,
  userId: random,
  title: "A Great Post",

Now the id and userId fields are randomized and our tests won't just happen to pass because both id attributes happened to match up. The original test case on it's own would now error with something like cannot read property 'name' of undefined because there is not a user that matches the randomized userId. The test now needs to be updated to make this pass, but the point of this example was to show the potential for false positives by not randomizing unique identifiers. This example was fairly harmless but imagine the === logic living somewhere deep in an application that is hard to debug or the downstream effects are almost imperceivable and it takes months or years to find.

Hard-code the important data

At a first pass, this might sound like it's contradicting the point above to avoid sharing data between tests, but it's not exactly the same. It's generally not a good idea to hard-code values in the factory definitions (especially objects and arrays) but it's usually a good idea to hard-code values in specific test cases.

Let's continue with the previous example and fix it so the userId is properly set on the firstPost and it passes. โœ…

test("displays the user's name for the post", () => {
  const users = [user(), user(), user()];
  const firstPost = post({ userId: users[0].id });

  const firstPostUser = users.filter(user => === firstPost.userId)[0];

  expect(`Cooky Cutter #1`);

Now, as in the example above let's add another test example before it.

test("displays the post title", () => {
  expect(user().name).toBe(`Cooky Cutter #1`);

test("displays the user's name for the post", () => {
  const users = [user(), user(), user()];
  const firstPost = post({ userId: users[0].id });

  const firstPostUser = users.filter(user => === firstPost.userId)[0];

  expect(`Cooky Cutter #1`);

Now the original test fails with something like "expected: 'Cooky Cutter #1' but received: 'Cooky Cutter #2' ... not again! ๐Ÿค”

However, this time the problem isn't with the sequential unique identifiers, but has to do with the way a unique name is created each time. The original (bottom) test example is now a false negative (failing when it shouldn't). The filter logic is correct and the correct user is selected but the assertion is now incorrect because the user factory was now invoked once before and the name is "incremented" each invocation.

Let's hard-code a unique name that affects only this test.

test("displays the users name", () => {
  expect(user().name).toBe(`Cooky Cutter #1`);

test("displays the user's name for the post", () => {
  const users = [user({ name: `Cool Cooky Cutter` }), user(), user()];
  const firstPost = post({ userId: users[0].id });

  const firstPostUser = users.filter(user => === firstPost.userId)[0];

  expect(`Cool Cooky Cutter`);

It passes! ๐ŸŽ‰ As an added bonus, if someone wanted to change the factory definition itself our test still correctly passes.

const user = define<User>({
  id: random,
  name: (i: number) => `Something Else #${i}`,

The default data in a factory is to be used to simulate real data when you don't care what it actually is. If you do care what the data is (eg: making an assertion against it, or testing logic) it should be explicitly defined in the test case even when it's identical to the default. This removes any weird ordering issues like we saw above, it allows easily changing that default value at anytime without breaking a single test (likely a false negative) and makes it easy to debug and understand the test by looking only at the test file without having to open the factory definition that may live in another file.


All of the examples may feel simple or contrived, but I've personally experienced each of these at least once, and spent more time than I want to admit debugging some of the scenarios or refactoring because of a single change in the factory definition. Hopefully the next time your relying on object factories you'll keep these in mind to avoid some of these scenarios I learned the hard way!



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