blog posts
Rails Phlex I18n: A VSCode Extension
A VSCode extension for managing translations in a Rails app with Phlex.
Build a library with tsup and Tailwind
How to build a npm package component library with tsup and Tailwind with dark-mode.
Rendering rich responses from LLMs
How to render LLM (OpenAI) responses as rich-text with Vercel AI.
Trimming typography with Stitches and Capsize
How to integrate Capsize typography trimming with Stitches styling in Nextjs.
cssdesign systemsreact
Detecting dice with Tensorflow
Training Tensorflow Lite models to detect and classify dice in a web app.
Nextjs Image with mdx-bundler
How to use the Nextjs Image component with mdx-bundler.
static site generatorsperformancereactabstract syntax trees
Filtering arrays with TypeScript type guards
How to safely find and filter elements in complex arrays with TypeScript.
CSS codemods with PostCSS
How to create a CSS codemod with PostCSS to transform code.
The Next iteration: How I built my new blog
The next iteration of with generative designs, built with Nextjs and vanilla-extract.
static site generatorsgenerative design
Practical Abstract Syntax Trees: A course for refactoring at scale
A course focused on learning the fundamentals and practical uses of abstract syntax trees.
codemodstypescriptabstract syntax trees
My Workflow for Codemods
A walk-through of my workflow for creating custom codemods.
codemodsabstract syntax treesjavascripttypescript
Tools for an evolving Design System
Design Systems evolve over time. What are some tools that can help make system-wide changes?
design systemscodemodsabstract syntax treestypescript
Decoupling a component's style from it's semantic meaning
An overview using the "as" prop pattern to control a component's rendered element.
design systemsreacttypescript
Typescript Explained In Javascript: Conditional Types
4th post in "TypeScript explained in JavaScript" series
Exploring TypeScript's Conditional Types with JavaScript.
Typescript Explained In Javascript: Mapped Types
3rd post in "TypeScript explained in JavaScript" series
Exploring TypeScript's Mapped Types with JavaScript.
Typescript explained in Javascript: extends
2nd post in "TypeScript explained in JavaScript" series
Exploring TypeScript's extends keyword using JavaScript.
TypeScript explained in JavaScript: keyof
1st post in "TypeScript explained in JavaScript" series
Exploring TypeScript's keyof operator using JavaScript.
Make more things into Components
Encapsulating more logic and concepts into components.
Named Parameters in JavaScript
A quick look at how to use named parameters and the benefits.
Design System Principles
General principles for building and maintaining a design system.
design systems
The Hard Thing About Simple Words
A hard thing explained using only the ten hundred words people use the most often.
React Concurrent Mode with TypeScript
Getting started with React Concurrent Mode and Suspense with TypeScript.
Creating a custom transform for jscodeshift
Using a jscodeshift transform to automatically update Font Awesome imports to enable tree shaking.
abstract syntax treescodemodsreacttypescript
Check for missing dependencies with yarn and webpack
A plugin to check if there are missing or incorrect packages installed with yarn as a webpack plugin.
Contributing to DefinitelyTyped for the first time
A guide to add missing type definitions to the DefinitelyTyped repository.
Server side rendering icons with Font Awesome
Avoid Font Awesome flickering large icons on initial load with server side rendering.
Code splitting with webpack and TypeScript
An overview of code splitting with webpack, in a TypeScript and React app.
Tree Shaking Font Awesome Icons
An overview of tree shaking dead code with webpack and a specific example with Font Awesome.
Separating webpack from the Rails Asset Pipeline
An approach for decoupling a webpack build process from the Rails Asset Pipeline build process.
Measuring Frontend Performance (in modern browsers)
The supported browser APIs and polyfills for measuring frontend performance.
Techniques for effectively using Object Factories for Testing
A few patterns for effectively using object factories for testing.
Hello Gatsby, Goodbye Medium
Moving my personal content to with Gatsby.
static site generators
Creating a CLI with TypeScript
The tooling and steps to create a command-line npm package written in TypeScript.
Generating TypeScript definitions for CSS Modules using SASS
Tooling and approaches for integrating CSS Modules, SASS, and TypeScript to add additional type-safety when importing the styles.
Migrating a design system to a dedicated repository
An overview of the benefits, general patterns, and tooling for maintaining a design system in its own repository.
design systemsreacttypescript
Introducing Rubber Ducking: A Podcast about all things “frontend”
Chris Schmitz and I are excited to share Rubber Ducking, a podcast about React, TypeScript, CSS, Design Systems, GraphQL and anything related.
reacttypescriptdesign systems
Using React Hooks with TypeScript
useTypeScript(); A few quick examples of what it will look like to use Hooks with TypeScript.
Using Code Generators to Share and Document Best Practices
Code generators are a great way to automate the small repetitive decisions and save time among many other advantages.
Component Dot Notation with TypeScript
The advantages of using component dot notation (accessing sub-components from a top-level component), a few gotchas and some examples.
Object factories for testing in TypeScript
Introducing cooky-cutter, an object factory package written to be type-safe with TypeScript.
Writing maintainable styles and components with CSS Modules
An overview of CSS Modules and some of the advantages the styling approach can provide.
Thoughts after creating my first React app with ReasonML
My initial impressions after making a small web app written in ReasonML.
Scaling data selection on the client
What is a selector? How do they help 'scale' querying data on the client?
A Simple Blog with GraphQL, Apollo, React Router & styled-components.
An exploration into some of the other trending technologies in the JavaScript and React ecosystem today through a small web app.